
Who do we help?


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Teachers and parents who are frustrated at a lack of educational progress for their child. Their child is not responding to interventions (reading, writing, maths).

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Children who continue to have behavioural issues which inhibit their ability to connect with education (e.g. anxiety, attention, language difficulties, understanding problems, social difficulties).

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Children who have transitioned to high school, and the cognitive, attentional, and executive functioning loads have skyrocketed!! The strategies they have always used to cope are no longer working!
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People for who the world is hard to navigate. Attention is hard, emotional regulation is hard, staying still is hard, staying on task is hard. You’ve always felt a little bit different from the crowd.

What do we do?


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We conduct assessments for people aged from 6 years. Our assessments investigate the way people think, what they have learnt, how they learn, attention, behaviour, mood, personality, and neurodiversity.
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We provide relevant and do-able recommendations and information in our feedback and reports. We don’t drown you in jargon and technical language reports which you can’t understand and therefore can’t use.
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We identify and transform barriers to accessing education, curriculum, life and work opportunities.

We provide assessments for:

comprehensive psychoeducational assessment

Comprehensive Psychoeducational Assessment

Bloom provides comprehensive assessments in order to discover an individual’s challenges and assist with difficulties in reading, spelling, and/or mathematics, language, behaviour, mood, attention, executive functioning and adaptive behaviour. These assessments are holistic and provide a comprehensive overview of an individuals’ functioning.

What’s included?

  • Intake interview
  • Cognitive Assessment
  • Academic Assessment
  • Attention Assessment
  • Adaptive Behaviour Assessment
  • Executive Functioning Assessment
  • Language Screener
  • Online Questionnaires
  • Report Writing
  • Feedback Session

COST: $3000 plus GST
(dependent upon which assessments are required)

cognitive and education assessmen

Cognitive and Educational Assessment

Specifically focused on how you think and what you’ve learned. Bloom provides these assessments to uncover challenges and assist individuals with difficulties in reading, spelling, and/or mathematics.

What’s included?

    • Intake interview
    • Cognitive Assessment
    • Academic Assessment
    • Online Questionnaires
    • Report Writing
    • Feedback Session

COST: $2000 plus GST



Bloom’s Autism Assessments come from a neurodiverse strengths-based approach. We focus on understanding an individuals’ unique communication style and personal preferences to inform diagnosis and appropriate support recommendations.

What’s included?

  • Intake interview
  • Autism Diagnostic Interview
  • Cognitive Assessment
  • Adaptive Assessment
  • Online Questionnaires
  • Report Writing
  • Feedback Session

COST: $2500 plus GST


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Bloom’s approach is to understand an individuals’ challenges with regulation and functioning and provide recommendations to support areas of difficulty.

What’s included?

    • Intake interview
    • ADHD Interview
    • Parent Interview (if child assessment)
    • Cognitive Assessment
    • Online Questionnaires
    • Report Writing
    • Feedback Session

COST: $2000 plus GST

cognitive performance assessment

Cognitive Performance Assessment

Cognitive performance assessment provides an overview of a persons’ abilities to think, learn and use information. These assessments can assist if Giftedness or Intellectual Disability is suspected.

What’s included?

  • Intake interview
  • Cognitive Assessment
  • Adaptive Behaviour Assessment
  • Report Writing
  • Feedback Session

COST: $1750 plus GST



Bloom offers extremely limited intervention sessions.

What’s included?

Please make direct enquires regarding intervention services at Bloom.